Metaverse and AI marketing

Metaverse and AI marketing


Metaverse , along with AI , is one of big trends not only in 2024 but also in the future.

It is an area best described as the convergence between real-world physical space and online space.

Among them, an important point is the AI marketing which many corporations focus on.

​It is not exaggeration that CHAT CPT has been in the spotlight as the best tool for AI marketing currently.

There is no doubt about it.

Several metaverse companies are developing solutions that can connect online spaces and physical spaces together.

They created various metaverse devices.

Among them, there are headsets that allow people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and smartphone apps that use augmented reality.

In fact, digital elements continue to be added.

Therefore, the continuous development and innovation of Metaverse, like UNIVERSE, will determine what it will be like in the future.

It is so vast. It means that no one knows exactly what direction it will move.

In particular, artificial intelligence AI is very natural.

To understand AI marketing, as first step, you need to understand the topic of ‘artificial intelligence’ itself.

Artificial intelligence refers to computer simulations based on human intelligence and It is usually rigid.

It is used for specialized areas such as expert systems, speech recognition, natural language processing or machine learning, and designed specifically for these.

Artificial Intelligence is equipped with hardware and software and developed by using a programming language.

So, it takes a huge amount of specific data, recognized patterns. And then It works in a predictive manner, based on that pattern analysis.


Now, how AI marketing will affect companies and individuals?

​Marketing is the study of customer needs by a specific company and linking them with various products or services.

Marketing, like artificial intelligence, focuses on pattern matching.

​Marketers have a lot of data to track from email, social media, and sales or purchases.

AI marketing innovatively automates target customers with faster, new, and more effective strategies.
This means that marketing solutions can be developed in more detail.


​“Ad placement” through analysis of customer behavior with effective engagement and conversion rates

​“Copywriting” that analyzes patterns

​“Data analytics” is one of the biggest challenges for marketers.

​“Automation” that quickly finds customer preferences through data analysis

​“Chatbot” that can simulate conversations with humans in real time

​And “Chat GPT,” which is currently the hottest topic among big tech companies.

As a result, more companies are planning to jump in and develop the above technologies in the future.